# 📋 Social Media

Launch Pad maintains a variety of social media accounts to help us reach out to students and the wider world. This page documents each account and some tips on using each.

# Contributing Content

Any Launch Pad original content could make good social media posts to help us showcase what we do! Just post it in #ot-sharing to get started. You can also use this channel to request to have your Launch Pad project featured or shared!

# Accounts

You can find direct links to our accounts in the ubclaunchpad.com site configuration. Credentials are available in the Exec repository - please reach out to #ask-leads to get in touch with one of the presidents if you are interested in helping us run our social media accounts!

# Facebook


# Instagram


# Medium

Our Medium publication can accept posts from anyone - just reach out to get your Medium account added as an editor, and we can publish your posts under our shared publicatin!

# LinkedIn


# Newsletter

We currently use Buttondown as our newsletter provider. The newsletter should primarily be used to provide updates (when applications open, club events, etc) or to provide highlights of past or recent Launch Pad content (such as Medium articles or Instagram posts).